Derailed Trolley: Montrose Rd & Rt 355

Derailed trolley - Montrose & 355

Derailed trolley at Montrose Road and Rockville Pike. Photo by Lewis Reed

This special post is a part of the blog feature called, “Rockville’s Past Through the Lens of Lewis Reed”.  I wanted to share these photographs, because they offer a visual history of a part of Rockville’s transportation past.

Traveling in snow was sometimes hazardous to trolley cars, as evidenced by this trolley which derailed the train tracks and plowed into a telephone pole at Montrose Road and Rockville Pike. Lewis Reed was there to capture the accident from two different perspectives using a five-by-four box camera which produced images on a glass plate.

In populated areas, street cars kept speeds to 12 mph (6 mph at intersections), but in open country they could get up to 40 mph.

Derailed trolley - Montrose & 355

Derailed trolley through dense woods at Montrose Road and Rockville Pike. Photo by Lewis Reed

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About Reed Brothers

I am a co-owner of the former Reed Brothers Dodge in Rockville, Maryland. Lewis Reed, the founder of Reed Brothers Dodge was my grandfather. We were a family-owned and operated car dealership in Rockville for almost a century. I served in the United States Air Force for 30 years before retiring in the top enlisted grade of Chief Master Sergeant in July 2006. In 2016, I received the Arthur M. Wagman Award for Historic Preservation Communication from Peerless Rockville for documenting the history of Reed Brothers Dodge in both blog and book format. This distinguished honor recognizes outstanding achievement by writers, educators, and historians whose work has heightened public awareness of Rockville’s architectural and cultural heritage, growth and development.

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